I took some car photos for a friend who races and who has been able to use them for racing profiles and car of the month contests! we had an evening adventure in the heart of the city scoping out abandoned alley ways and forsaken parkades. and these are some of my favourite shots of the night! (for those of you who are interested and/or know anything about cars, Ty's car is a '99 Honda Civic SiR.)


family portraits // edmonton, ab


i was so excited to take family pictures for such a wonderful and loving family! they have been a blessing in my life as well as many others. I am glad I was able to do this for Wes + Kristy as a thank you for all they have done and continue to do for the young adults in our church.  love you all!

I have made mistakes, I continue to make them 
the promises I've made, I continue to break them 
and all the doubts I've faced, I continue to face them 

but nothing is a waste if you learn from it 

and the sun, it does not cause us to grow 

it is the rain that will strengthen your soul 
and it will 

m  a  k  e      y  o  u      w  h  o  l  e 

the oh hellos - "i have made mistakes"


thanksgiving with family // calgary, ab

          homemade coconut mojitos!
the amazing parents
battleship always
best homemade beef jerky in the world!
we didn't have turkey, we had RIBS. 
it's becoming apparent to me that there is a multitude of pictures of my mom sipping on wine. i swear she's okay! she just likes nice red wineeeee. 

i ' m    t h a n k f u l     f o r   :
>>  my family
>> friends
>> a warm house
>> the little things that make me joyful
>> the Lord's abundance of grace
>> creativity
>> earl grey tea
>> these last two months